One of the big problems that I hope we as a machine learning community continue to improve soon is the creation and maintenance of end to end machine learning systems in production. While I enjoy reading many of the wonderful posts and analysis focusing on prototyping and new machine learning techniques, I’ve wanted to write about some of my battle stories from building machine learning systems in a production environment. I have been especially happy to see many larger companies beginning to open up about their in-house systems, such as Uber’s Michelangelo.

My goal is to make this a series. This first post will focus on machine learning pipelines using scikit-learn and pandas.


Let’s say you want to deploy a new machine learning task, and your dataset contains both categorical and numerical features. Side note: I’ve seen way too many tutorials and examples just assume you only have numerical features, which isn’t very reflective of the real world.

If your tech stack involves python, you probably use both pandas and scikit-learn. Unfortunately, scikit-learn doesn’t include great support for categorical features out of the box. The pre-processing features it does provide have a number of drawbacks for our usecases OneHotEncoder requires that features are already encoded as integers and DictVectorizer requires a dict.

Fortunately, scikit-learn provides us excellent building blocks to construct our own process for handling categorical features.

Categorical Pipeline

If you’re not familiar with scikit-learn’s excellent concept of pipelining, check out the documentation. Pipelines allow us to chain multiple estimators into one “central” estimator that we can then fit and transform.

Below we create a categorical transformer that will one hot encode all categorical features. This will also of course account for issues like new / unseen categories in the test/prediction set. We require a pandas dataframe and use the Categorical dtype.

from pandas import Categorical, get_dummies
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator

class CategoricalWarrior(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    """One hot encoder for all categorical features"""
    def __init__(self, attribute_names):
        self.attribute_names = attribute_names

    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        cats = {}
        for column in self.attribute_names:
            cats[column] = X[column].unique().tolist()
        self.categoricals = cats
        return self

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        df = X.copy()
        for column in self.attribute_names:
            df[column] = Categorical(df[column], categories=self.categoricals[column])
        new_df = get_dummies(df, drop_first=True)
        # in case we need them later
        self.columns = new_df.columns
        return new_df

Now we can use the familiar fit and transform paradigms by including this as a step in our pipeline! How to use it:

import pandas as pd

data = {"A": [2, 2, 4, 4], "B": [1, 1, 1, 1], "C": ["yes", "no", "no", "yes"]}
example_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
categorical_cols = ["C"]
cat = CategoricalWarrior(categorical_cols)
# get our one hot encoded df
output = cat.fit_transform(df_mixed)

More to come soon in this series!